Too: A Reflection On Luke 10:38-42

by M. K. Dallimore



Born, responsible;  eager to please;

belief in existing systems;  strong

sense of duty;  values harmony &

cooperation;  prone to jealousy;

craves approval;  conscientious.

I see you.

Though your back is turned,

Hands wringing;

Mortar and pestle grinding;

Mental checklist scrolling;

Flushed, with frustration.

What do you expect?  Accept

my offering – this mundane labour;

It is I who came before

anyone else thought of you;

Invited to enter in, prepared a place,

Love in the form of a perfect place setting.

I see you.

Do you see me?

Eyes fixed on a distant horizon –

this future, tense –

There stands a figure who whispers

“With you I am well pleased …. ”

Sister!  So perfectly positioned

Privilege of a second coming,

Center of attention, this centered attention,

Sitting at the right hand

don’t you


by my-


help me!

Martha, Dear Martha, consider –

This one thing, essential:

Seek first;

With sparrow wings and lily petals raised,

cut teeth on this substance of devotion,

and rest a while with Me.


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