Autumn Glory

by Shauna Gill, SoulStream Partner
There has been something special in the air for me this Autumn. The colours have been so remarkable here in the Okanagan this season. The lighting, the cloud and partial sun has made the veil between here and heaven seem a little thinner. I was at a loss for words to describe it.
In another vein, I was looking for new music I could play through my gym workout. I remembered that my SoulStream buddy Glen really enjoyed Bruce Cockburn. I had tried to listen before but perhaps my mood wasn’t in tune at that time.
On the day I decided to listen to Bruce again, I experienced one of those heart piercing moments when what we are longing for seems to come to us as a powerful gift. That veil became thinner than ever for me. The words to describe the depth of the beauty around me – all that I couldn’t seem to get enough of – seared into my heart and I could say YES!
Yes and Amen!
Rumours of Glory. These words have become my entry into God these days. The lyrics opened me further to the Glory that lies in the difficult as well. The painful relationships and the failing bodies. Our everyday heartbreak and all the brokenness of humanity. This is such a mystery. The glory of the simple and painful life of Jesus. Somehow…a truth my heart is trusting a little more each year.
This has been my autumn Lectio, Audio and Visio Divina. What a wonder God is. The Trinity speaks to our hearts when we long so deeply to connect.
May you find your own Rumours of Glory along your way, wherever you are. I have included a video of my efforts to capture some of this Glory-encased beauty. Due to copyright, I could not pair Bruce’s song, but there is a link where you can also listen to it.
I trust if the time is right, you shall be touched by this Lectio, Audio and or the Visio Divina.
Rumours of Glory
Above the dark town
After the sun’s gone down
Two vapor trails cross the sky
Catching the day’s last slow goodbye
Black skyline looks rich as velvet
Something is shining
Like gold but better
Rumors of glory
Smiles mixed with curses
The crowd disperses
About whom no details are known
Each one alone yet not alone
Behind the pain fear
Etched on the faces
Something is shining
Like gold but better
Rumors of glory
Rumors of glory, alright
You see the extremes
Of what humans can be?
And in that distance some tension’s born
Energy surging like a storm
You plunge your hand in
And draw it back scorched
Beneath it’s shining like
Gold but better
Rumors of glory
Rumors of glory, glory, glory, glory
Rumors of glory, oh, huh, huh
Rumors of glory
Rumors of glory, glory, glory, glory
Rumors of glory
Rumors of glory
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Bruce Cockburn
Rumours of Glory lyrics © Carlin America Inc, Warner Chappell Music, Inc.
Here is Bruce gently singing this beautiful song:
And here is my photo study of Autumn Glory: