Contemplative Prayer: A Directed Study

A supplementary course of study (individual format, no class) to partially fulfill prerequisites for application to Art of Spiritual Direction for individuals who have completed the 2 year Center for Spiritual Formation certificate from Carey Theological College.

“And God said to the soul: I desired you before the world began. I desire you now as you desire me. And where the desires of two come together, the love is perfected.”
~ Mechthild of Magdeburg – 13th century.

Description and Objectives

This course is designed to provide you with an opportunity to deepen your experience of contemplative prayer. Knowledge, practice, and reflection on practice will be integrated.

Through thoughtful engagement in this study it is hoped you will:

  1. Expand your understanding of contemplative prayer in the Christian tradition
  2. Deepen your experience of prayer through Christian prayer forms
  3. Discover the vital connection between praying and living contemplatively

This is a directed study course and does not include class time. The requirements include writing reflection papers on your inner journey and readings from the bibliography, keeping a personal journal to help you pay attention to what is happening in your soul and writing a monthly reflection on something that emerged, a 24 hour silent retreat and a final integration project. Course participants will continue to receive spiritual direction monthly.

Course Schedule

The course is 6 months in duration. The latest start date for those interested in applying for the Art of Spiritual Direction is January 15th of the year prior to the Art of Spiritual Direction course start date.

Interested individuals may begin earlier than the latest start date. The completion date will be adjusted accordingly.

Course Cost

The cost is $500, payable to SoulStream prior to beginning the course.

Please direct any questions to the SoulStream Administrator:
