A Guide for Soul Care Groups
SoulStream offers this guide to support your community journey, providing meeting structures, discussion topics, and contemplative prayer experiences with instructions.
A Helpful Resource
As soul care group leaders we hope to foster an environment where members feel safe to share from their deep places of struggle and joy. Without clear guidance and resources, we can find it challenging to facilitate meaningful discussions and guide members toward spiritual growth and connection with God and one another.
We provide this guide as a resource to open hearts and conversation.

Receive your complimentary copy of the Soul Care Group Guide today.
The River Within
by Jeff Imbach
Is this all there is?
Have you ever wondered why your experience doesn’t measure up to the radical life of joy and adventure described time and again in the Bible? Are you so busy “doing” that life has become a soul-wearying blur of activity? Do you ever feel like something deep and profoundly liberating is missing and wonder, “Is this all there is to life?”
Jesus said, ” Anyone who drinks the water I give him will never thirst. The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life.” (John 4:14)
If you’re tired of a soul-numbing existence and long to experience this passionate life described by Jesus, you must read this book.
The River Within will open your eyes to a new way of living that brings you closer to God and plunges you into the passionate joy of living.
“If you’re willing to think out of the box, if you’re frustrated with do-it-right Christianity, if the word ‘rhythm’ stirs a desire in you to live a new way, you have picked up the right book.”
Larry Crab
“Being very much in touch with his own and others’ passion, Jeff Imbach builds bridges with those great thinkers who had great wisdom to offer the transformation of that passion into a splendid source of love.”
Henri Nouwen
“This is a wise, open-hearted challenge to the emptiness and dullness of many Christian lives. It points us to the triune God of love—the true passion of our souls. Inspiring and excellent!”
Dr. James Houston

The Recovery of Love
by Jeff Imbach
Our World is Desperate for a Positive Vision…
A gutsy vision of love that incorporates all of who we are—minds, bodies, and spirits.
Author and spiritual director Jeff Imbach believes there is no better place to search for such a vision than the fourteenth century writings of Julian of Norwich, John Ruusbroec, Meister Eckhart, and Dante Alighieri.
In their work, we find a vision of passionate love as the essence of spirituality, a vision that resonates with the contemporary chaos around intimate relationships, our deeply rooted longing for love, and the journey into recovery experienced by so many today.
No longer do you have to police, deny, ignore or push aside your passion. Instead, Jeff invites you to reclaim the deepest truth of your passion, to open up your passion until it unlocks its deepest treasure, until it reveals its own eternal Source, it inherent glory.
“This book is a wise book. Its wisdom is not borrowed wisdom. It is wisdom born of the personal struggles of its author, lived in the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and shaped by the great mystics of the church.”
Henri J. M. Nouwen
Jeff Imbach is a co-founder of SoulStream. Read his bio on our Leadership Team page.
Consciousness Examen – We learn to attend to God’s loving action in our everyday experience in the Examen.
Prayer of Imagination – Encountering Jesus with you in the gospels.
Lectio Divina – Reading and hearing the word of God.
SoulStream’s Guide for Soul Care Groups – Introducing the Soul Care Group Guide: Fostering vulnerability, trust, and deep faith through small gatherings and guided discussions. Click here for printable black & white version.
If you are interested in finding a spiritual director, please email us for names of SoulStream Spiritual Directors in your area.