Gordie Lagore

In addition to being a spiritual director, I am a pastor, musician, voracious reader and writer. I have been married to Kathleen, a school teacher, for 45 years, and we have two adult children and four adorable grandchildren. I have 45 years of pastoral experience, 30 of which have been with an inner-city faith community here in East Vancouver.  In 1988, I embarked on a long journey of recovery from a severe ministry burnout which has shaped my passion for holistic self-care and sustainable living. Having a spiritual director and cultivating contemplative living has had an indispensable role in this journey of recovery. Offering spiritual direction is a supreme joy for me, walking together in wonder and amazement with people on the sacred ground of their journey with God, and witnessing together with each of them, how God is at work in their unique and unrepeatable story. I am passionate about social and environmental justice, First Nations reconciliation, the Enneagram, emotionally healthy spirituality and relationships, and drawing from the rich history and treasure of Christian mysticism as one of the greatest hopes for our time.
I have a Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies, (Regent College), Master of Arts in Spiritual Theology (Regent College) and a Certificate The Art of Spiritual Direction (Soulstream).