Mark Imbach

I grew up in a very closed fundamental religious background. Many hard knocks have proven necessary to break free from those constrictive chains. The God I know today holds no resemblance to god I grew up with. I was drawn to spiritual direction through my two older brothers. The opportunity to accompany anyone who struggles with their spiritual life excited me as I saw how my life changed through receiving spiritual direction. I took the course with SoulStream 2004 – 2005. My personal experience was given a very safe place for me to be totally me without any judgment or condemnation. Not to have the answers handed to me but to assist my own discovery of the divine presence in all things. It gave me the motivation to provide the same spacious space where my directee feels free from criticism. Today I experience God mostly through creation and nature and listening to his still small voice. If I can help you face into your struggles with honesty and openness that would be a sacred privilege.