Sandra McDonald with Still Lake Listening

I’m a spiritual director and empathetic listener with Still Lake Listening. Trauma, spiritual abuse, core shame, and relationship story are some of the growth areas you may want unpack with me. I am a Human Becoming. This means I’ve left some things behind: my extreme-conservative Christian upbringing and the harsh parts of organized religion, a 30 year marriage, financial security, servitude and subjugation, being straight, and a dissociation from the essence of who I am. It is also about a sloooow untangling of entrenched beliefs that were hurtful to others and crippling to my own wild Soul.
My journey into offering spiritual direction has come by way of engaging in this grounding and disruptive practice for myself. What a winding-restorative path that has been — a gradual returning “home” to who I am by design.
In part, I’m mum to three kind, adult kids. My life’s work has been a mix of companioning in special needs, lay ministry and study, and being present to marginalized, hurting, and grieving people.
Belief now? ‘Wonder, non-judgment, queerness, and an abiding Love that seems to be the container that holds it all. Like Hafiz, I wonder, “What love mischief can we get up to today?” What about you? We don’t have to do this alone.