ADVENT HOPE: The Thing with Feathers

by Irene Fennema, SoulStream Partner
“Hope” is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the tune without the words –
And never stops – at all – …
Thank you to Emily Dickinson for a piece of writing that I’ve used often, as it pairs well with my photo and the word “Hope.” Said pairing would often land on “the socials” during my Word a Day Prayer Practice through Advent and Lent. What a lovely poetic portrayal. Until it wasn’t.
Dear Madam Dickinson: I am ever so sorry to inform you of some sad news; the “thing with feathers” has blown off course. And now for a small critique of your work, the “tune” in your lovely poem needs work. Please arrange for the missing words at your earliest convenience. The soul is bereft, and it needs instruction on how to go forward. Yours very respectfully, Irene
Joking aside, our beloved 31-year-old daughter was struck by the severe symptoms of a disease in early 2024. Suddenly, and quite forcefully, she was bedbound and in need of 24/7 care. We gathered up some supplies and locked the door of her beautiful condo behind us as we moved her into her tiny old bedroom. What we thought might be a few weeks for her to endure is now coming up to eight months.
After the initial chaos that happens when such a thing blows in, we experienced some comfort in finding rhythm to our days and coming to understand how best to manage practical needs. But Hope evaded me. There is no cure. Research tells us this may be her (our) new normal (though, thank God, she becomes a little stronger as time goes by!)
I began to pray for Hope and enlisted many others who would ask how they could help. Not for Hope as something on the horizon that she (I) would eventually reach, but for Hope as a true feeling of assurance and love. “The thing with feathers” is what I needed to come! And come it did.
After my daughter’s practical needs were met, I began to pay attention to my own. Where did my help come from? I started repeating that obvious Bible verse, but I didn’t want something rote, I needed something more. As I searched, I was met with assurance and love.
Two tangible experiences from within the past year stand out:
1. The SoulStream Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. Life and heart changing. Especially through those deep sorrows that landed unexpectedly. I was held with tenderness and accompanied on a pathway forward. I am not alone. I belong to Love. Love is Hope.
2. A course offered through Family Caregivers of BC on Intensive Journaling. The focus on discovering the lovely resources we already have inside of us reassures me. I am currently in the middle of this one, but I already have a sense of anticipation of meeting “Hope” here too. Jesus (“the thing with feathers”) dwells in the heart of everything.
My dear Emily, you were on to something! Affectionately yours, Irene.