Maureen Miller

Personal Profile

Who is God? Who am I? What is this good work God is up to in and through me?
~Ephesians 2:10 (VantagePoint3)

It was those three questions that ignited and continue to fuel my own evolving spiritual journey. I came to spiritual direction as an adult, restless and with a deep longing for more…but more of what? Spiritual direction helped me notice this more I desired was not something outside but inside me. This mysterious place of home, where I am present to God in me and me in God.
It is from this place I seek to offer direction, as I believe God is Love, is known by many names and this longing we feel on our individual spiritual journeys has first been initiated by Love’s desire for us.
As we listen together – paying attention to everyday, ordinary life – doing the dishes, laundry – life’s struggles, joys, yearnings – there is space to look for the movement of Spirit. It is not about problem solving or fixing. It is more about noticing and opening to something deeper going on – deeper than what is on the surface experience of life. This gentle way of noticing what you notice – lingering there with God – opens to the awareness, mystery, healing and freedom of this Love already present in you.

“…this business of becoming conscious…is ultimately about asking yourself: How alive am I willing to be?” ~ Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird

I am a wife, mother, “gammy” to three grandchildren, friend, and though old enough to add retired, I feel alive while offering direction, co-facilitating retreats and other contemplative experiences. Perhaps much like a dog with it’s head hanging out of the car window, I too feel alive and love the sensation of wind on my face. Having recently sold my motorcycle, Ruby, I am grateful to find that same experience on the water, here in the Okanagan while sailing…fast and free.

Okanagan, British Columbia, Canada
Offers a complimentary first meet and greet session
SoulStream trained
LGBTQ+ affirming
How to Contact Me