The Easter Challenge

You believe because you can see . . . Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe. —John 20:29

Every year it happens:

earth shakes her sleepy head,

still a bit wintered and dull,

and feels new life stirring


Every year cocoons give up their treasures,

fresh shoots push through brown leaves,

seemingly dead branches shine with green,

and singing birds find their way home


Every year we hear the stories

empty tomb, surprised grievers,

runners with news and revelation,

unexpected encounters,

conversations on the road,

tales of nets filling with fish,

and breakfast on a seashore


And every year

the dull and dead in us

meets our Easter challenge:


to be open to the unexpected,

to believe beyond our security,

to welcome God in every form,

and trust in our own greening


– by Joyce Rupp


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